Il Chiostro del Carmine has a convenient car park, outdoor and unguarded, at a cost of €15.00 per day. Parking is subject to availability and cannot be booked. If a space is not available upon your arrival, we will be happy to advise you on different solutions.
It is important to access the ZTL only from Porta San Marco, otherwise it is not possible to communicate access at different ZTL gates.
Transit in the restricted traffic zone is allowed a maximum of twice a day (entry and exit or vice versa).
VERY IMPORTANT: DO NOT PUT ON THE GPS DIRECTLY THE ADDRESS OF THE HOTEL! It is mandatory to enter only through Porta San Marco, so make sure that your GPS mark it as gate of entrance and not other gates!! Il Chiostro del Carmine is autorhized to issue pass only for PORTA SAN MARCO
The permit for access to the restricted traffic zone is retroactive, therefore the registration of the license plate will take place at check in together with the registration of the identity documents.